Monday 7 December 2015

Primary Research - Digipak Designs - Kieran Panchal 9652

After carrying out two digipak mock up designs, I decided to gain some quantitative and qualitative feedback through the use of an online survey platform ''. I decided to gain both quantitative and qualitative data as this would allow me to analyse statistically using graphical forms, whilst gaining opinionated responses that allowed me to constructively analyse my work ideas, based on the suggestions of others.

I distributed the weblink '' to 15 members of my previously established target audience. In this survey, I asked my respondents what their favourite of my digipak mock up designs were, and then asked for the reasons for their choice. The results that i gathered were as follows:

Design 1
Design 2

This shows that my target audience favoured my second digipak design. Votes were in favour of this design by 2:1, with 10 votes to 5. This proved to me that i should base my final ancillary digipak design on this photographic style of design rather than an illustrative style. The quantitative data that i gathered was as follows.

On the whole, this feedback provided me with the following point that will enable me to improve upon the development of my main ancillary digipak task. The main points concluded were:

  • Continuity across the digipak is preferred
  • Simplicity within the designs is preferred
  • Designs that continue on from the theme of the video production are preferred
  • Juxtaposition of two things that often are not associated is liked as it created enigma code
  • Natural tones are preferred, with faded overlays and little contrast
  • Central alignment of the track listing is preferred to left alignment
  • Photographic style is preferred to illustrative style

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