Wednesday 16 September 2015

Possible Trailer Ideas - Kieran Panchal 9652


A deep-voiced man begins to talk to the audience about the deterioration of society against a black screen. After around 30 seconds of speech, the black fades out, presenting a homeless man on the street. He holds a sign asking for money from passers by and is getting ignored . The remainder of the trailer consists of several short 2-3 second flashbacks (montage style) of the man from years before in combat.


The trailer would begin set in a hospital room scene. A young male character lays unconscious in bed. There are a variety of interesting close up and extreme close up shots of the patient's body parts and medical equipment around him, with the sound of a life support machine beeping in the background. The character in bed provides a narration during this outlining his story. At the end of the trailer, his face is shown for the first time with his eyes open.


The idea of the trailer would be to show the adventure of a lost dog. Each of the shots would show the dog wandering in a different place, i.e through a city, through rural areas. The soundtrack would be soft and would build up until the dog walks through a front door to see his family in the final shot.

Why I chose to discount creating a trailer

My main reason for choosing to discount creating a trailer is because generally, the nature of trailers means that it will not allow to create a continuous narrative piece. As previously mentioned, my prefferred method of video production involves creating emotional connections with the characters. From my research, i found that most trailers are edited in montage style in order to give a greater overview of the entire film. Doing this would not allow for me to create a sustained engagement with my audience, as there would be too much enigma code to make sense out of the narrative.

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