Wednesday 14 October 2015

Timed Analyses - Kieran Panchal 9652

Zombie - Jamie T

0:00-0:02 - Long shot of the band on stage in a small pub. A hispanic male police officer is composed in the foreground (out of focus) on the left side of the screen.
0:03-0:09 - A Mid Shot/Close up of Jamie as he begins to sing. The drummer is out of focus and composed in the left hand side of the shot.
0:10-0:11 - A Close Up shot is shown of a hispanic lady wearing an eye patch.
0:12 - 0:13 - Return to the opening Long Shot.
0:14 - 0:15 - A Close up shot is shown of the police officer.
0:16-0:19 - Return to a Close Up shot of Jamie singing, this time from the right hand side focussing on the left side of his face
0:20-0:21 - The camera switches to a mid shot composed from behind Jamie, allowing the audience to see the location and the rest of the characters within it
0:22-0:28 - Return to a the frontal mid shot of Jamie singing
0:29-0:33 - Return to the opening long shot. This time a black female waitress walks through the centre of the shot, from a table to the bar.
0:34-0:35 - Return to mid shot of Jamie singing
0:35 - 0:36 - Extreme Close Up of Jamie's face allowing us to see the beginning of his transformation into a zombie.
0:37-0:38 - Long shot of the band. A new character is composed in the left of the shot in the foreground (from behind and out of focus)
0:39-0:40 - Low angle mid shot of the drummer playing.
0:40:0:41 - Low angle close up of the drummer playing.
0:41-0:42 - Close up of Jamie's face allowing us to further see his transformation
0:43 Return to the same shot as 0:37-0:38
0:44 - 0:45 - Low angle mid shot of the guitarist and bass player side by side playing their instruments.
0:46 - Cut to a close up shot of the guitar player's face from a low angle, emphasising his transformation into a zombie.
0:47 - Mid shot of a man at a table playing cards on his own
0:48 - Return to 0:37 - 0:38 shot, a cleaner walks through the centre of the shot
0:49 - 0:50 -  Close up of Jamie's face
0:51-0:54 - High angle mid shot of the drummer
0:55 - Return to shot at 0:44-0:45
0:56 - Close up, low angle shot of the drummer
0:57- 0:59 - Static mid shot of the band playing on the stage
1:00 - 1:05 - Mid shot of man playing pool in the foreground with the band playing behind out of focus.
1:06 - 1:08 - Close up shot of Jamie's bleeding hands moving along the fretboard of the guitar
1:09 - 1:14 - Return to 0:51-0:54, the drummer drops a drum stick half way through the shot
1:15 - 1:19 - Close up of the side profile of an expressionless bystander in the pub
1:20 - 1:23 - Mid shot of the drummer and the bass player fighting on stage behind the drum kit. The drummer pulls off the arm of the bassist.
1:24 - 1:27 - Side profile of Jamie's head as he continues to sing. (His face is now morphing even more aggressively)
1:28 - 1:32 - A side angle mid shot of the drummer using the bass players arm as a drumstick.
1:33-1:34 - An Extreme Close up of the bass players remaining stump (arm) with blood dripping off of it, followed by an extreme close up (action match) of the blood dripping onto the floor
1:35 - 1:40 - Extreme Close up of the snare drum being hit with blood smeared over it
1:41-1:43 - Return to 1:06 - 1:08 (this time with more blood)
1:44 - 1:47 - Long shot of the band continuing to play, all of them are now zombies
1:48 - 1:50- Extreme Close Up of Jamie's right hand over his guitar strings, strumming
1:51 - 1:54 - Long shot of a TV showing dog racing. A black male is positioned in the foreground on the right side of the screen out of focus.
1:55 - 1:57 - Mid shot of Jamie playing with the drummer in the back ground. They possess a half of the frame each - symmetry
1:57 - 2:02 - Close up of the drummers face. An arm enters the screen from behind the camera and pulls off her ear.
2:03 - 2:04 - a Mid shot of a man sleeping, slouched on a couch with his head resting on his arm
2:05 - Return to 2:02 - continuing to pull off her ear before throwing it away
2:06 - 2:07 - Action match (Mid Shot) of the ear landing in the police officer's drink
2:08 - 2:11 - Extreme Close up (action match) of the ear entering the drink
2:12 - 2:15 - Return to Long Shot of band playing on stage, they are becoming more dormant
2:16 - 2:21 - Mid shot of guitarist tugging at bass player's arm
2:22 - 2:25 - Return to 1:55 - 1:57
2:26 - 2:28 - Close up of drummer's face as she continues to drum
2:29 - 2:32 - Return to 1:16 - 2:21 - he begins to rip his arm off
2:33 - 2:34 - Action match close up - The arm is being ripped off
2:35- 2:36 - High angle CU of Jamie's face singing. Drummer is positioned behind (out of focus) to the left of the screen
2:37 - 2:39 - Mid shot of the bass players remaining arm being pulled off by the guitarist, before being thrown
2:40 - 2:42 - Action Match mid shot of the arm landing on the table of the man playing cards
2:43 - 2:47 - Extreme Close up of the bass players remainder of an arm, blood is drippping from it onto the floor
2:48 - 2:49 -  Return to Long shot of band playing
2:50 - 2:51 - ECU of snare drum being hit with blood on it
2:52 - 3:00 - Return to 2:35- 2:36
3:00 - 3:03 - Return to mid shot from behind Jamie showing the pub. There are now less people present
3:04 - 3:05 - High angle (aerial shot) showing the man playing cards with the disconnected hand on the table
3:06 - 3:11 - Jamie's face singing. His face is deteriorating further
3:12 - 3:13 - Return to 1:51- 1:54
3:14 - 3:18 - Long shot of band playing with police officer in foreground. The man who plays cards rises from his seat and walks through the centre of the shot to the bar
3:19 - 3:22 - Mid shot of guitarist and bass player stood side by side. Shot from the right hand side of the players
3:23 - ECU of blood dripping from the stump of the bassist
3:24 - 3:28 - Return to 3:14 - 3:18, the scene looks even more empty now.
3:29 - 3:32 - Mid shot of guitarists side by side. This time taken from the front of the players
3:33 - 3:34 - CU of Jamie's face singing
3:35 - 3:38 - CU of police officer sitting expressionless. (head and shoulders)
3:39 - 3:40 - Return to 3:29 - 3:33
3:40 - 3:49 - Long shot. Jamie puts down his guitar and walks towards the camera to the bar, sitting on a stool just in front of the camera
3:50 - Low angle mid shot of the drummer taking the guitarist's arm and swinging it back behind her head
3:51 - 4:05 - Action match mid shot of the drummer hitting Jamie's head off with said arm. She stands there after remaining expressionless.
4:05 - Cuts to black

The Heat - Jungle

0:00 - 1:05 - A Mid shot is shown of a black male wearing street wear, chewing liquorice in an urban location. The camera begins to slowly pan around him as the beat of the song kicks in whilst slowly zooming out, transforming the shot type into a long shot. The camera continues to zoom out until a second character can be seen in the background (hidden by the dark lighting and slightly out of focus). The first male begins to break dance on his roller skates. He eventually skates out of shot, and his place is filled by the remaining character, who comes to the foreground to dance. The camera continues to track to the left, exposing the first character at 0:50, who is stood in the left of the frame watching his partner dance. At the end of the shot, both characters leave the frame on either side of the frame.
1:06 - 1:12 - The two characters emerge from either side of the Long Shot frame but the shot is composed differently, showing a different area within the urban location. They carry out a well-choreographed dance as the camera slowly zooms in, following their movements.
1:13 - 1:14 - Long shot of the two characters taken from a side angle, continuing their dancing. They are both positioned within the right hand side of the screen, conforming with the 'rule of thirds'
1:15-1:17 - Action Matching long shot showing the two men each filling a half of the screen.
1:18 - 1:19 - The camera is positioned further back, presenting a further long shot of the two men continuing to dance on their skates
1:20 - a Mid shot is used following the initial dancer. He is in the centre of the shot in the foreground, whilst his partner is placed in the background and is static, admiring the dancing of the other character.
1:21 - 1:27 - Return to the Long shot of the two males dancing occupying half of the frame each. The dancer on the left hand side drops to the floor after finishing his solo dance, initiating the other male to begin
1:28 - 1:31 A low level mid shot shows the dancer on the floor. The camera moves again, slowly zooming out before zooming back in.
1:32 - 1:44 - Return to the previous shot. In this shot, the dancer on the floor gets up before continuing to dance. The camera slowly zooms out.
1:45 - 1:53 - Close up shot of the original dancer, showing his joyous facial expression as he continues to move. Towards the end of the shot, the focus is pulled and he falls out of focus
1:54 - 2:00 The same shot is used with the other dancer. There is a small zoom, and the dancer's face fills more and more of the frame.
2:01- 2:06 - Return to the long shot of the two dancers. This time the angle is slightly different, and it is shot from more of a side view.
2:07 - 2:08 - Long Shot showing the two dancers from the side. Their faces cannot clearly be seen.
2:08 - Mid shot of the initial dancer as he twists
2:09 - 2:16 - Return to long shot of the men dancing. The camera movement remains minimal but it is present, with a small track to the left.
2:17 - A Mid shot action match of the men, again taken from a side profile angle.
2:18 - 2:25 - Return to generic long shot. This time the camera zooms in towards them, keeping the shot original despite the regularity in which it appears in the video.
2:25 - Long shot of the men dancing from the left hand side. The composition is effective and the location is established well.
2:26 - 2:32 - Generic long shot of dancers, however, this is a slightly more close up camera position. The dancers fill the frame from head to toe.
2:33- 2:40 - Long shot from a side view. The camera is slowly tracking to the right.
2:41 - 2:46 - Mid shot of the two dancers. They begin in the centre of the screen, and end in the left half as the camera tracks to the right throughout the shot.
2:48 - 2:54 - The men both come into the long shot from the left side of the screen. After carrying on with the dance, they exit from the same part of the frame.
2:55 - 3:12 - Cuts to the two dancers symmetrically composed, sitting on a sofa. The camera zooms out, taking the shot from a mid shot to a long shot.

Lovesick - Peace

0:00 - 0:07 - CU of a cigarette being held. The camera tilts upwards presenting a black female smoking the cigarette. There is a focus pull and she becomes sharp. 'PEACE' appears in the centre of the screen in white text
0:08-0:10 - High angle mid shot of two sets of feet walking in a dark room. Intense/focussed low key lighting. 'LOVESICK' appears.
0:11-0:15 - CU of the back of guitarist Doug's head as he walks forward. Low key lighting continues. As he walks forward the rest of the band come into shot - also walking forward.
0:16 - 0:19 - LS of the band walking out the back door of a club to see the aforementioned black smoking female sitting on a bonnet of a car (in the foreground)
0:20 - 0:23 - CU of woman's face on the bonnet. Initially out of focus and focussing on a woman in the driver's seat, however a focus pull occurs, reversing this.
0:24 - 0:25 - CU of the bands head and shoulders (stood in a line). The shot is composed so they each occupy a quarter of the frame space and a peace logo is situated centrally.
0:26 - 0:28 - Return to CU of woman's face. She breathes out smoke.
0:29 - 0:32 - Side profile of the singer walking towards the car with the other band members following. This is a CU which turns into a Mid Shot as the camera zooms out. The woman then appears in the centre of the shot and becomes the main focus.
0:33 - 0:36 - Low angle MS of singer singing the lyrics whilst sat on top of the car roof. The car is now moving and is in a tunnel.
0:37 - CU of the driver carrying out a gear change using the gear stick inside the car
0:38-0:40 - Return to the shot of the singer singing on the car roof.
0:41 - CU of the speed-ometer in the car, showing a speed increase
0:42-0:45 - Long shot of the car reversing quickly back before spinning round to drive in a forward direction. The camera tracks the car as it drives.
0:46 - 0:48 - Close up of the singer counting to recite the lyrics now in the back seat of the car. The rest of the band are also in the back seats and can be seen in the shot
0:49- 0:51 - Cut to a long shot taken from on the car bonnet, with the whole of the inside of the car in shot, showing the band, the driver and passenger.
0:52 - 0:54 - Return to the shot of the singer on the car, this time the shot is in slow motion.
0:55 - 0:58 - Extreme Long Aerial Shot of the car doing a manoeuvre on an empty road. It remains in the centre of the frame
0:59 - 1:04 - Quick cuts of the aforementioned main sequence shots; singer on car, CU of singer in back seat
1:05-1:06 - return to ELS of car drifting in road. The main light source is from the car headlights.
1:07 - 1:13 - A lower angle mid shot of the singer on the roof of the car. This time he doesn't recite the lyrics and the lighting is of a lower key. It is in slow motion.
1:14-1:15 - The singer returns to the back seat of the car - CU
1:16 - Same ELS of car drifting. This time it drives out of shot
1:17 - CU of gear change
1:18 - 1:19 Mid shot of the car driving past the camera. It drives through a puddle and a watery effect is relayed onto the shot imitating a wet camera lens.
1:20 - 1:24 - LS of the car driving directly towards the camera before turning off to the right.
1:25 - 1:26 - MS showing the contents of the car with the singer central on the back seats, continuing to sing.
1:27 - MS of the car driving into the shot before stopping abruptly in front of the camera.
1:28-1:29 - LS of the car from the front. The headlights turn off.
1:30 - 1:32 - CU of singer singing in back seats
1:33 - 1:35 - CU showing an opened door on the parked car
1:36 - 1:37 - Return to 1:25 - 1:26 shot.
1:38 - MS showing the singer exiting the car. The camera is placed adjacent to the rear door.
1:39 - 1:44 - CU of singer singing in back seat
1:45 - 1:46 - Silhouetted MS of the singer on top of the car. Lighting is very low. The camera is moving around the subject
1:47-1:49 - Cut between the close up of the singer in the car to the more zoomed out mid shot encapsulating the cars contents. The singer still recites the lyrics.
1:50-1:51 - Repeat of 0:52 - 0:54
1:52-1:54 - Long shot showing the band walking in the background with the car in the  foreground. We can see them through the windscreen and rear view window.
1:55-2:05 - Combination of the centralised/main shots. CU of the singer in the car, coupled with the MS of the whole car and CU of the singer's face on top of the car
2:06 - CU of the singer in the back of the car in the centre. Two of his bandmates are either side of him. He reaches out towards the camera and appears to clench his fists.
2:07 - 2:10 - The car is the main focus of the Mid shot taken showing it's flank. It drives off leaving us with a LS of the band sat perched against a wall in a row. The lighting remains very low key.
2:11 - Cut to black.

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