Monday 23 November 2015

Location Scouting - Kieran Panchal 9652 and Joshua Manley 9645

Georgian Chapel, Peckham, London, SE15

This was the first choice of location that we looked at. After deciding that it was ideal for the genre and atmosphere we were looking to create, we got in contact with various agencies that deal with the hiring of this location such as 'Shootfactory' and 'location-collective'. When doing this we outlined the budget and logistics of the project before getting a quote for the price of the shoot. Many of the location letting agencies that we contacted proposed that the hiring of the Peckham Chapel was approximately £200 over the budget that we had proposed. This meant that we were unable to proceed with the scouting of this site.

Drive Two, Bethnal Green, E1

Next, we looked at Drive Two in Bethnal Green. This 700 square metre warehouse suited the theme of our narrative as it was large enough to allow us to create a sense of space and atmosphere in the setting. In addition, the industrial nature of the location and run-down feel also would be ideal for creating the context and establishing the genre around the narrative. We also contacted various agencies that provided a hiring service for this location. Unfortunately, again, this location was over budget, and the hiring of this would mean compromising other props and elements of the shoot that would help to increase the production value. We were also unable to proceed with the scouting of this location.

Grange Barn, Coggeshall

The Grange Barn in Coggeshall would have also been a suitable location for our shoot, as the barn would have created an effective rural aesthetic. We figured that because this was a national trust site, the hiring of this space may be discounted or easily accessible. After getting in contact with the site to ask about availability of the location, we were unfortunately sent a response denying us access as live music is not permitted within the site, but is necessary in our plot. The email below shows the response.

Copped Hall, Epping

We also contacted Copped Hall, a Georgian mansion overlooking a landscaped parkland in rural Epping. This location would have been idyllic, as logistically it would have been due suitable to its location close to where we are based, meaning that the transport of equipment and travel would have been more manageable. The aesthetic of the location was particularly fitting, as the rural setting and antique feel would have been suitable for the genre of our piece. Unfortunately, after contacting Copped Hall, we found that the building was closed during the period that we wished to film in, as evidenced below.

1 comment:

  1. This is good research, and will prepare you for higher budget productions… you might also add who the property agency was who were loaning the facilities for each post…
